This year my boys are going back to school early. With about 1 week till the first day of school, we are in the countdown mode. With the school supplies purchased and the special first day of school outfit chosen, it is time to focus on the other aspects of school, staying healthy. Keeping my boys healthy and safe during their time in school is paramount. That's why I try to instill some of these ideas in my boys.
Here are 10 thoughts on staying healthy during the school year.
1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. We all know how important good nutrition is for kids (and parents). So send your kids to school with a lunch full of fruit and vegetables. Also, if your child brings a snack why not bring freeze dried fruit, like Crunchy N Yummy. It's easy and provides a serving of fruit in each package.
2. Don't squint, see the eye doctor. Our sight is so important and should be protected. While our boys are required to have annual eye exams, some schools don't require the exams. If you can't see the computer or board, go get your eyes checked. Glasses are cool and being able to see all your school work is key to success in your classes.
3. Be active. If you have recess at your school or PE, get up and move. Being active is a great way to keep your energy levels high for all your school work. Plus, getting your heart pumping is the best way keep yourself healthy throughout the year.
4. Sneeze into your elbow. No one wants to share a cold and miss school. If you sneeze, make sure to sneeze into your elbow. This action is a simple way not to share a cold with your friends.
5. Drink water. It may be tempting to have soda or juice with lunch, but water is a great choice for kids. Staying hydrated keeps your energy levels high and keeps your body working at its optimum levels.
6. Have a specific bedtime. After a summer of fun, going to be bed early can be boring (My boys already dread the 8:30 strike of the clock). But, having enough rest is important to keeping yourself ready to learn all the new and exciting subjects in your classes.
7. Don't come to school sick. We've covered sneeze into your elbow, but don't go to school if you are sick. I know that it can be tempting to attend that special event, but if you are sick, please stay home. Don't get your teacher, friend, or friends' family sick with your germs.
8. Use your manners. You wouldn't like it if a friend didn't talk to your or said something mean. Think about these thoughts when you are talking to your teachers or parent volunteers. Saying please and thank you goes a long way to showing respect to your authority figures.
9. Respect the bus. Do your know the rules on the bus? Learn the rules and respect the bus driver when she picks you up in the morning and drops your home in the afternoon. The bus driver is in charge of safely transporting to and from school, follow the rules.
10. Help your parents. doing back to school is stressful on parents too. My youngest is heading to kindergarten. Everyone knows that its a big day for him and me. So be nice to mom and dad going back to school Don't make them run around searching for your backpack, lunch box or school folder. Take responsibility for your items. It's a great way to show kids' responsibility and it makes life easier for busy parents.
Do you have a great back to school tip? What's your family's routine for back to school? How do you stay healthy going back to school? Share your tips and ideas in the comments section.
Let's all have a great school year.
Disclosure. I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Transitions Lenses blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here. For my complete disclosure policy, please see
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