Back to School allergy tips from Children's Claritin

Today is the official first day of fall. This time of year the leaves are falling, the colors are changing and the allergies are in full force. In my house, everyone seems to be blowing, sneezing and coughing. Enough already! I've already bought too many boxes of tissues from that warehouse store.

Since I know that allergies are a part of our family's life, I try to keep my family prepared for the issues. In our house, we keep a supply of Claritin on hand to ward off those sniffles, red eyes and other tell tale signs.

While I'm becoming an old pro at these allegery issues, I thought that I would share some back to school allergy related tips that could help in your house.

1. Let there be light. As the daylight gets shorter and shorter, the mold starts growing. Mold likes dark, damp places. When the sun is out, make sure that you house gets some light. Open the drapes or window coverings and let the light shine.
2. Get laundry done quickly. I know, no one relishes the idea of doing laundry. But, allowing clean clothes to sit in the washing machine wet can be a breeding ground for allergens. So, get the laundry done and grab a beverage. It can be one more thing to cross off your list.
3. Kids get dirty, take a shower before bed time. After a long day at school, sports practices or just being outside, everyone can get dirty. Take a shower before going to bed and wash off all the ick. Hopefully, a restful night's sleep is right around the corner.
4. Got water, drink up!  Staying hydrated can help your body flush out toxins. I won't go there about colors, but keeping lots of water in your system is good for overall health.

Do you have a great tip for fighting allergies?  Share your thoughts in teh comments section.

Disclosure: I am a Claritin mom. Occasionally, I post information about allergies, products and other promotions. All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips. My husband and daughter suffer from allergies. thanks!
