Disney on Ice presents Treasure Trove, a gem for families - review

When a Disney show comes to town, kids, parents and Disney fans know that the show will be a full scale production. From elaborate costumes to intense action, everyone will be glued to their seats in anticipation of the next scene.

Disney on Ice presents Treasure Trove came to the Allstate Arena for several performances. This show brings some of Disney's beloved characters to the ice. From The Lion King to your favorite Disney princesses, everyone takes to the ice.

Our family saw this show over the weekend and we were very impressed. Personally, I liked how this production did a great balance between the girly princess themes with action for the boys. My son liked the pirate sequences and fighting with Captain Hook and the lost boys. With the shooting cannons to the flying, my son was cheering for every battle.

Personally, my favorite scenes were the Lion King. This scene captures both the heart and the beauty of the African animals. From the stampede of the Wildebeests to the animals of the Savannah celebrating their new king, the grace and power of these animals (skaters on ice) were thrilling.

Disney on Ice will be touring throughout the nation. When it comes to your town, I suggest taking your family. It is a fun night out for everyone.


Disclosure: I received tickets for my family to see Disney on Ice Treasure Trove. All opinions are mine.

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