Vacation Day equals messy day, we're ready for the Clorox Ultimate Mess Party

When the kids have a day off from school, do you panic, break into a sweat or hope that there's a day camp still open? Think about it. It's a change to the routine and kids can be demanding. Even scarier, kids can make HUGE messes. Part of the fun of the kids having a vacation day is doing something fun and different.

So what if there is a mess or a disaster, these little moments can create some of the best memories of time spent with the kids. During our last vacation day, we kicked off our day making breakfast. My kids love cooking with me but it can take a lot of patience. Of course, there are egg shells in the scrambled eggs and orange juice on the floor, but they have big smiles and have enjoyed every minute of the adventure.

We continued our cooking theme to something new, cake pops. We all have seen the books or the cute pictures. Cake pops look, and taste, very yummy. Plus, what kid doesn't love food on a stick. So being a brave mom,I told the kids that we would make red velvet cake pops. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but we forged ahead. You know if you've ever made red velvet anything, the red coloring can get everywhere. Of course, the kids loved that their hands were bright red, but my counters and towels looked like a crime scene. Luckily some pastry bags and a cake pop maker pan cut down on some of the spillage. By the end of the first round, my kitchen, towels and kids were a lovely shade of red/pink.

On to stage 2, the icing/decorating of the cake pops. Between the dipping, covering, and sprinkles, the baking fairies had exploded all over my kitchen. Who knew that you could get sprinkles in the toaster? How did that happen? But, in the end, the kids were so proud of their creations. We wrapped them in bags and shared them with friends and neighbors. Even better, the kids thought their cake pops were better than anything we could have bought. It was a fun day and they still ask when we can do it again. A movie day wouldn't have brought as much laughter and memories as the chaotic day of making cake pops with my kids.

Clorox understands that some of the best family memories can be messy ones. Right now Clorox is hosting the Ultimate Mess Party contest. This contest, part of the Clorox® Clean-Up® Recipes For Fun site, is a fun way for families to share their crazy, messy adventures to win some great prizes.

The Clorox® Clean-Up® Recipes For Fun site,, offers lots of messy, creative ideas to do with your family. Whether you have little cooks like me or future scientists, this website offers lots of ideas and recipes to kick start your messy day.

Do you have a great kid friendly recipe or a fun science based activity for kids? Enter your idea in the Ultimate Mess Contest. Just for entering, you will receive coupon for $1.00 off Clorox® Clean-Up. Also, you can win by viewing all the submissions. Visit the contest for the opportunity to win FREE Clorox® Clean-Up® coupons and $100 gift cards, which will be awarded randomly.

Don't be afraid of the mess any more. Messes can make family memories that last a lifetime.

Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox Clean-Up Recipes for Fun blogging program, for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on this program, click here and see the Terms link.

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