Sea Cusine, restaurant quality fish straigh from your freezer

I love eating fish. It's healthy and a good choice for my diet. Did you know that fish can.

But the down side of fish is preparing it. I can't saute it in butter (too much fat) and I definitely don't want it fried. Plus, no one wants their house smelling like fish all night long. If there was a company that had a prepared fish option that tasted great, I know that it would be a hit.

I've found that option, Sea Cuisine from High Liner Foods. Sea Cuisine is restaurant quality food right at home. Available at many grocery stores, Sea Cuisine offers a wide variety of flavorful crusted fish that will create an amazing meal. 

Created by Chef Owen Tilley, Executive Chef and Director of Culinary for High Liner Foods, these meals are high restaurant quality options that are available to the home cook. Chef Tilley's experience includes cooking for everyone from the Kennedy’s and James Taylor to Bill Cosby and Julia Childs. These meals show that you can have restaurant quality meals at an at home, affordable price. 

These frozen fish dinners are perfect for me. Each meal contains two pieces of carefully prepared fish. There are over a dozen flavors including lemon dill salmon, Parmesan crusted tilapia, white wine & herb shrimp and Mediterranean crusted salmon.

What's best about these dinners is that the fish is crisp. I know that a lot of people think frozen fish has a soggy crust. Not these dinners. Every time crust is crunchy and stays on. Plus the crust is flavorful.With all the herbs and seasoning, these crusts accent the fish and help pair the meal with a side dish.

I've been trying several of these meals at home. Here's one of my dinners. I had the Summer Herb Crusted Cod with some butternut squash and gnocchi. I know that this combination may not appeal to everyone, but for me it was the perfect dinner. The roasted garlic and herbs paired well with the squash and gnocchi. I was very pleased with my dinner.

Sea Cuisine is available a many grocery stores nation wide. For a store near you, please visit the Sea Cuisine website. Also, you can download a $1 off coupon at the website too!

Fish, vegetables and a little pasta. A well rounded, healthy dinner. So when you are turkey-ed out in a this week, head to your local grocery store for some. You will thank me.

Disclosure: Sea Cuisine provided me with some of their products to review. All opinions are 100% mine and have not been influenced by any person or entity. For my complete disclosure policy, please see

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