September 24 is worldwide play day - lets get dirty

As a mom of two little boys, we are constantly outside playing. Whether it is riding bikes, playing soccer or just running around playing tag, being outside is a constant in our family. But there are many families that need a challenge to get them up and moving. Clorox 2 is encouraging families to get up and go outside to play.

This Saturday, September 24 is Worldwide Play Day. Nickeldodeon created this national holiday eight years ago to encourage families to get up and get moving (and get away from the television).  This year Clorox 2 is encouraging families to take the pledge,,  to get active this weekend.

As for our family, this Saturday will be a very active day. Starting with a soccer game, then football, followed by our annual Mattoberfest party.

Mattoberfest is a family and friend party for about 100 people. We are all outside playing games and enjoying each others company. The kids will create games, play tag, use the swing sets and basically get themselves exhausted with hours of play. Of course, they get really dirty too. But nothing that a little Clorox 2 can't get out.

It always amazes me that kids of all ages can play together and not have conflict when they are outside. If these children were inside with televisions, video games or other electronic devices, there would be complaining, crying and whining. Being out in the fresh air and moving around seems to dissolve the conflict.

Don't worry the adults are just sitting around eating and drinking. During the party the adults have a cornhole tournament. What's cornhole?  Some people refer to it as bags. Basically you try to get the bag into a hole. It is simple, but the adults are up and moving. No sitting for these guys.

Overall, the day is a wonderful celebration of family, friends and fun. We have had this tradition for seven years and it is one that we will continue as long as we can.

The sad part is that as Mattoberfest ends, the cooler weather hits our area. We have to be more creative and diligent about getting the kids away from the television and up and moving. Luckily with sports and good friends, we have found other indoor activities that keep us all going through the long winter months.

Well, our family will be out and active this Saturday, September 24?  What will your family do?  Share your thoughts in the comments section.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox2® blogging program, for a gift card worth $40. For more information on how you can participate, click here.” (make sure you link to

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