Free ESPN Fantasy Football kit from Hooters

Are you ready for some football? In our house, football fever has begun. Watching all those preseason games is our preparation for our fantasy football teams.

Right now, Hooters has a great deal for all those participating in a fantasy football league.

Teams that book their Fantasy Football Draft Parties at Hooters will receive a FREE ESPN Draft kit and a season full of awesome Hooters discounts and deals.

Book your parties today by calling your local Hooters or registering online at


  1. Sounds like fun! Too bad we don't have a Hooters here!

  2. That sounds great, yup football season is happening in our house to, the Man Cave is looking good :-)

  3. My hub goes to his buddies house- they have a giant flat screen- I have peace!

  4. That sounds like fun! I use to be really into football but not so much the last few years.
