90 days to a better you - Fé Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout Program - review

One of the biggest reasons why moms don't work out is that there is no time. From making breakfast to helping with homework, mom/me time is the lowest priority on the to-do list. Still, every woman understands that her health should be a priority. Working out is part of a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to fit the workout in the free minutes during the day. With Fe Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day workout program, ladies can get a complete workout in the limited free time during the day.

The Fe Fit Women's 13-Week, 90 Day workout is a fast, easy way for women to burn fat and create a lean shape. The concept is to work out in short, intense 30 minute bursts, 3 times a week. Each work out is designed for a woman's body. From reducing the arm flap to flattening the stomach, the program can help transform those problem areas that women want to tone.

As a busy mom, I appreciate the amount of work built into a small amount of time. The key to this workout regime is to concentrate thoroughly during the 30 minute workout. With total concentration and 110% effort, this workout system can produce visible results. If you can't dedicate the time or the effort, this workout may not be the best fit for you.

Another key item to this program is the flexibility and variety of the workouts.  The workout system consists of 7 fitness genres, Cardio Circuit, Core, Lower Body, Upper Body, Total Body Toning, Barre and, Stretch Flow exercises. Each genre offers a different focus. The variety allows total body sculpting through the variety. With dedication to the plan, the user can find improvement in her overall body appearance.

Fe Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout Program consists of 8 discs featuring 28 unique fitness videos. It is available on Amazon.com and retails for approximately $119.85.  

Make a commitment to yourself and find 30 minutes a day to workout. With Fe Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout Program, a better you is just weeks away.  

Disclosure: The reviewer received this item for purposes of this post. All opinions are her own. 

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