While I may indulge in a glass of wine or yummy cupcake, I understand the benefits of eating well and being active. Recently, several magazine articles have touted the importance of adding chia seeds to a balanced diet. Unfortunately, I have a problem eating those little seeds. For me, I feel like those seeds get stuck in my throat and in my teeth. Luckily, I have found a solution to my problem, Xiomega3 Chia Water.
Xiomega3 Chia Water offers all the benefits of Chia without all the seeds. In addition to the Chia seeds, each bottle offers 320 mg of Omega-3,40% of the DV of B complex Vitamins, and as much fiber as a small apple.
For those not familiar with the benefits of Chia, this seed has been known to benefit digestive health and overall well being. The Chia offers a high amount of Omega 3, more than flax seed or salmon. Additionally, the Chia offers a good source of fiber and is high in calcium.
Recently, I had the opportunity to try the Xiomega3 Chia Water. Since I primarily drink mainly water during the day, the Chia Water was a good recovery drink after my training runs. The berry drink had a nice berry flavor and wasn't too sweet. As a recovery drink, I enjoyed the product. I felt refreshed and ready for the rest of my day.
Xiomega Chia Water is available at selection retail locations. More information can be found online at http://www.xiomega.com.
Disclosure: The reviewer received this product to try. All opinions are her own and were not influenced by others.
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