For many of us, September 11 is etched in our memories. Whether you watched the terror unfold on television or couldn't bear the images, the day and its aftermath has become part of our nation's history. Our lives indelibly changed that day.
Personally, I didn't watch the tragedy on television. When I think about this day, I remember trying to shield my dying mother from all the images. A family member worked in the twin towers. We were unsure if he was traveling that day or if he was in the building. Since my mother was gravely ill, we didn't want the television on to upset her. It was a long day waiting and waiting to hear that our family member was sitting on the tarmac in NYC because his flight was late arriving. He didn't make his meeting in time. We were fortune that he survived.
My husband was also touched by the day's events. His mother works for the government in the Washington DC area. While her area was not an area affected, it was another long wait to receive confirmation that all was well.
As I watch the morning television shows share the memorials, tributes and remembrances of the day, I think about what to tell my children. These little people have grown up with the changes that occurred post 9-11. Security check points are normal. Airport security is a necessary evil. Life is lived cautiously.
What do I tell them? I tell them to never live your life in fear. The world is full of good and bad but we cannot allow the bad to outweigh the good. If we are strong, anything and everything can be overcome.
So this day of remembrance, let us focus on positive action. Let us not think about those who brought negative thoughts and actions into our lives. Today, share a random act of kindness, volunteer your time, or just give your family a hug. Never forget those people who make your life full.
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