Goggles, goggles everywhere but not a pair that fits

My kids are swimmers. When I say that statement, some people think of they like to swim at the local pool. While that statement is true, swimming is a little more in our house. We use words like split times, streamline position and better transitions on the IM. Swimming is more than a casual dip in the pool for my kids.

There are many things that I can control with the kids, but one thing that I cannot is goggles. I have nightmares about goggles. I sounds funny, but for a swimmer, goggles are as important as their swim suit. If you can't see where you are going, you have difficulty in a race.

My kids biggest concerns are their goggles falling off. When a swimmer dives off the block there is a decent amount of pressure applied to their goggles. If the strap isn't tight, the goggles could fall off. Stopping to fix goggles that have fallen isn't an option. Swimming eyes open is hard (and painful).

Some people might remember the Michael Phelps story about winning an Olympic Gold medal with leaking goggles. It's a great story, but little kids aren't the most decorated athlete ever. Kids want goggles that fit, don't leak and are easy to use.

What is the solution? A goggle that securely fits a child's head lessens the chance of falling off is key.

What I look for in a set of goggles is a secure strap and the suction. Here's what I mean. Have your child put on a pair of goggles and push them onto his eyes. Then pull them off. If you didn't hear a pop (i.e.like a suction pop) the goggles don't fit. They will leak and you've wasted your money.

Now that swim season is coming closer, what goggles will your family purchase. A new company called Frogglez Goggles offers a comfortable, form fitting, stylish, athletic swim goggle. Check out this video about the company.

Frogglez Goggle is offering pre-orders for this new product on indiegogo.  Pre-orders are 25% off.

What goggles will your kids wear this swim season?

Disclosure: "Information for this post has been provided by Frogglez Goggles in partnership with the SheHeard Influencer Network, however, all opinions are my own."


  1. Looks interesting. My nephews are swimmers so i will definitely check out this brand.

  2. My kids are obsessed with goggles when they go in the pool, at the beach, or anywhere with water. I would love to check out a pair or two for my son and his cousin for the summer.

  3. Those Fogglez goggles are pretty sweet. if we had more access to swimming pools we would definitely get THOSE.

  4. Very cool! My son is 5 and I need to get some goggles for him!

  5. These look great! Summer is around the corner - and these are a great accessory for the pool! :)
