I like to take pictures. Usually, I have my iphone in my hand capturing all the moments of my kids' lives.It might be a silly face, a celebratory dinner or just a goofy grin. Since our family lives far from our home, I want the grandparents, aunts and friends to keep up to date with our lives. My concern with publishing my photos on some social media websites is the availability of that picture on-line. Does everyone have the same privacy settings? Could a picture of my kids end up in the bowels of cyberspace?
Now there is a new application that creates a personal way to share and save your photos. It is called outmywindow.
outmywindow is an app that gives you complete control of who can see your photos. No more publishing your Facebook photos to the world. The picture of your daughter in her bathing suit will be seen my grandma, not some random guy that knew your cousin in high school.
By using this app, you will have timelines that automatically build themselves. It's an easy way to organize your photos.You can upload photos from your computer or your mobile device. Each album is designed by you. Create albums by theme, person or anything that you want. Then share the albums with your friends.
What I like about the outmywindow is the timeline feature. In one simple snapshot, I can see everyone's photos. It's a perfect way to catch-up on summer vacations, first homeruns and silly kid moments. Now I won't miss new moments because my settings changed.
Plus this program offers 5GB of free storage. With this program you'll have your family moments available at your fingertips.
In addition to the desktop feature, outmywindow is available at the App Store. It is available for the iPhone, iTouch and iPad. The app is free.
Don't send your family's photos to the universe. Use outmywindow and share the smiles with those who will smile back.
Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'outmywindow™.'
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