As a mom, I love capturing all these memories. It is important to me to remember all the fun, silliness and triumphs of our summer. Since our family is far away, I like to share these photos with them as well. While Facebook is a great way to stay in touch, I'm somewhat apprehensive to put swim photos on my Facebook account. Yes, I have strong privacy settings, but I don't need pictures of my boy in jammers blasted to everyone.
outmywindowTM offers me and my family a way to privately share our photos.This application allows you to determine who can and cannot see certain photos. Maybe you want the grandparents but not your college roommate to see the swim photos. With outmywindow, you control how photos are saved and seen. This application is designed to give you a stronger sense of security with your personal photos.
Check out this video for a more detailed explanation.
Share your photos with confidence that they are seen by those you love and trust. Join outmywindowTM.
Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'outmywindow™.'
That is such a good idea! My husband is always yelling at me to be careful with what I am posting to facebook, but often they are all mixed in and I overlook a pic that should not be shared of the kids! Thanks for the advice. ;)