Whether you are heading out to watch fireworks this evening or tomorrow, there is one thing (other than rain) that can ruin your night out - mosquitoes. The little annoying pests can buzz and bite their way to make your night outside miserable. No one wants to miss the big finale because you've been swatting away mosquitoes.
A great way to make your night enjoyable is to use OFF! Clip-On Mosquito Repellent. OFF! Clip-On Mosquito Repellent is a personal mosquito repellent that doesn't have to be applied directly to skin. This battery powered fan circulates an odorless repellent. For up to 12 hours, you can have head-to-toe protection.
Also, for this year, OFF! Clip-On Mosquito Repellent is available in four decorative designs. These designs are American Flag, Vintage American Flag, Floral and Camouflage.
Our family has been using the OFF! Clip-On Mosquito Repellent. Over the weekend, we each brought our one to Ribfest to watch the concerts. As a mom, I was so happy not to have to fight my kids with repellent. I'm sure that many ladies can relate. We want our kids protected as the sun goes down and the mosquitoes come out. But, the kids' whining about the spray can be tiresome. Our family simply clipped the OFF! Clip-On Mosquito Repellent to our shorts and we were good to go. No slapping, no bites. Just an enjoyable evening listening to music under the stars.
This week our swim team is having our annual Family Swim Night. It is a fun event for all the kids but the mosquitoes around the pool can put a damper on the evening. I'm bringing our OFF! Clip-On Mosquito Repellent. While the kids will be splashing around the pool, I'll have an enjoyable evening without mosquitoes bothering me because my OFF! Clip-On is attached to my shorts.
What are your plans for the Fourth of July? Our family will be cooling off by the pool. I'm going to try my best to disconnect from the iPhone and iPad. This holiday OFF! is encouraging families to Log OFF! and Clip On. Take the pledge on Facebook to spend time with your family outside (away from the electronics). For more information, please visit https://apps.facebook.com/logoffclipon/
Enjoy your summer outside this year and #KeepBugsOFF!
Disclosure: I attended a blogger event with OFF!. I received products to try. I was not compensated for this post.
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