Looking good and feeling confident about yourself

As women, we often have a lot on our plates. Of course, we want to be the best mom on the planet, the best wife in the world and the hottest person in our neighborhood. It's a easy task right? 

How do we accomplish these small feats?  We take our kids to every sports practice, we lavish our husbands with gourmet meals and we spend hours at the gym. And, there's only a mere 24 hours in a day. Right? 

Trust me. I want to be supermom. But sometimes, my needs drop to the bottom of the list. What's the first thing to go? Gym time may be replaced by volunteering at school, which is quickly followed by a run through the drive through. While my intentions are good, the follow through often is lacking. 

So the 5 days at the gym goes down to three. Yes, I can still make it through an hour of spin and kickboxing, but there are parts on my body that aren't as firm and perky as they once were. Yes, if I was more diligent, I'm sure that I would have less jiggle, but some things have fallen and just won't get up. (Are there any other moms who can relate?)

Now I know that there are many people out there who think that I should just accept my body as it is. I logically can understand their perspective, but my feelings matter. When it comes down to it, I want to feel good about myself. If I can look good then I can feel confident. It is about me and no one else. 

So, what options are available to me. In all honesty, there is no over night miracle cure to jiggles and fallen bits. One possible option is to consult a plastic surgeon. Through surgery, I could be perky again. 

This decision should not be made lightly. Think about it. You need to find a doctor who you trust and like. After all he or she is going to be seeing a lot of you. Also, you need to think about the price of breast implants.  A surgery, followed by after care (and maybe a new wardrobe) can make an impact on your family's budget. Plus, a decision to have an augmentation isn't just a single procedure. You might have to have additional surgeries later in life.

Besides the cost, you should think about how family and friends might treat you after your enhancement. Will they be supportive or will they be dismissive?  I saw a friend at the pool last summer and everyone gasped at her new appearance in her bikini. Yes, she looked good, but she lied about her surgery. What approach would you take? (Personally, I'm up front about what I've chosen to do).

Most importantly how do you think this augmentation will affect your life. From simple things like new bras to more complex like your relationship with your significant other, a change to your appearance can have a direct impact. Talk about the possibilities before you take the next step. It can help avoid hurt feelings in the future.

If you need a change in your life, think about all your options. Maybe surgery is right for you or maybe you just need a spa day. Everyone is entitled to her choice. In the end, the decision you make is for yourself and no one else. 

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