Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen and you child can too - review

What do you do when your child doesn't listen?  Do you yell, scold or just shake your head in disbelief?  How do you teach them the lesson that listening is so important? What if you could show them this life lesson in a children's book?  That book is here, Howard B. Higglebottom Learns to Listen.

From a simple interruption to his teacher or not following directions, Howard learns that listening is very important. When he doesn't listen, Howard misses a story, breaks his toy and doesn't have a good time. This day in the life of Howard shows listening effects everything he does.When Howard chooses to open his ears, everything around him become much more enjoyable.

The story finishes with a synopsis of the lesson, listening. There are tips on being a better listener. From pay attention to not interrupting, these simple points can help kids understand the book's lesson in a easy format. 

I really liked the message of this story. My oldest son was having some problems in class. According to his teacher he wouldn't raise his hand, he interrupted his classmates and was being disruptive. We used this book as a teaching tool. With the simple language and easy to understand examples, my son grasped why listening in school is so important. After reading this book a few times, his behavior began to improve. We went over the 6 tips every day to make sure he was following the plan. Now, his teacher doesn't have to worry about him being disruptive.

Howard B. Wigglebottom offers a series of books on various life lessons. These books focus on topics like sportsmanship, bullies, and telling the truth. These books can be purchased on-line at  Right now, each hard-cover book is on sale for $6 or all 10 books can be purchased for $50.

The Howard B. Wigglebottom books are created by the We Do Listen Foundation. The group's mission is to "create entertaining educational books, video, games and songs to help young children how to listen, learn important life lessons, and feel good about themselves."

Put your child on the path to be a good listener. Read Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen today.

Disclosure:  I rd a copy of Howard B. W giggle bottom to review. All opinions are mine and have not been influenced by anyone. I received this opportunity because of my relationship with MomBlogSociety. For my complete disclosure policy, please visit

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