Bold's Palooza - win $25 via paypal open worldwide

What in the world is a PALOOZA? In simple terms, it's an all-out crazy blog-hopping party with a ton of people 'scoopin-up' prizes like there's no tomorrow...

More 4 Mom's Buck has joined with BOLD ezine and other bloggers to have a HUGE blog hop. What's up for grabs? Tons of prizes. You name it, we are giving it away.

But here's what you want to know - what is More 4 Mom's Buck giving away. Cold hard CASH. That's right. I'm giving away $25 via paypal. This giveaway is open world wide.

Choose any of the options below to enter. If you are leaving a blog comment - tell me what you would do with the money?

I'm using Rafflecopter for this giveaway. If there is a problem with you entry, please leave a comment below.

(PV-Prize Value)  (US/C- US plus Canada)(WW-Worldwide)

  1. Between The Pages - PV=Over $40.00 (US/C) Books (4 titles - Your choice)

  2. Colorcrazed - PV=Over $139.00 (US/C) Original Fiber Artwork 

  3. Still Blonde After All These YEARS - PV=Over $50 (US)

  4. Mommy LaDy Club - PV= $20-36 (WW) LaDy LaDuke Little Artist Cover Ups

  5. Books R Us - PV=$25.00 (WW) PayPal Cash

  6. Makobi Scribe Product Reviews - PV= $25.00 (WW)

  7. Mia Ma Miah's Diaries - PV= $20.00 (US/C)

  8. Simple Wyrdings - PV= $20.00 (WW) Amazon GC by Email

  9. Totally Temberton - PV=$20.00 PayPal or Amazon (WW)

 10. Di Doodlings - PV= $25.00 (WW)

 11. Bree, Home of Blogmania - PV $80.00 (WW) =Blog/WP Design w/ all the trimmings.

 12. Jamie's Precious Peas PV= $600.00 (WW)

 13. To Find The Line - PV=TBD (US) My Favorite Things

 14. Whispered Thoughts - PV= $25.00 (US/C-WW)

 15. Man of la book - PV= $25.00 (US/C) A Bookish Blog

 16. Born To Return The gift - PV=$20.00 (WW) Book

 17. Aubut Family - PV=$100.00 (US/C)

 18. Married to A Geek - PV=$25.00 (US/C)

 19. DeDa Studios - PV=$35.00 (US/C) Fused Glass and Smelly Jellies

 20. Keenly Kristin - PV=$100.00 (US)

 21. More 4 Mom's Buck - PV=$25.00 (US) Cash Via PayPal

 22. Aprils Lifestyle Show - PV= $50.00 (US/C)

 23. The Shopping Duck - PV=$20.00 Amazon GC (US)

 24. Adventures of a Military Family of 8 - PV=$20.00 (WW) Amazon GC by Email

 25. Keeping Up With The Rheinlander's - PV=$25.00 ( WW) Amazon or PayPal

 26. Happy Homemaker Reviews - PV=$20.00 (US)

 27. Howard House Reviews - PV=$30.00 (US) 

 28. AmyLouellen - PV=$25.00 (US) Bath and Body Works

 29. Veggie Crock
- PV=$20.00 (US) Crock Pot

Disclosure: This prize is fulfilled by More 4 Mom's Buck.


  1. my hubby, but I love playing against him with his sister..that's FUN. :)

  2. My husband and my three kids, and depending on the game our little pup would try to get in too. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. I would most probably be playing with my wife and family. Thanks!

  4. When we have game night it's usually my mom, myself and my five children. My husband comes by to bug us but never wants to actually play :)

  5. I would play with my hubby!
    14earth at gmail dot com


  7. My family!
    heididaily at gmail dot com

  8. i would play with my 3 kids
    staceyx at telus dot net

  9. I would play with my husband and daughter.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  10. I love game night at my dad's with my husband and siblings, it is always a great time ")


  11. My two kiddos and husband would play with me on game night.
    jas8929 at gmail dot com

  12. My hubby and my kids. If I won, I'd use the money for something fun for my family, movie, bowling, ???
    Thanks so much.

  13. my mom and a couple of cousins


  14. My husband and daughters would. trinitygsd at yahoo dot omc

  15. Usually it is my husband and myself, with my mom, two little brothers, and my step-dad.
    We have other friends that we get together with as well sometimes for a game night. It's so much fun!

  16. my bf would play w/ me :)

    littleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0tc0m

  17. A few of my best friends would play with me. :)
    holliister at gmail dot com

  18. Definitely me and my older brother. Mentally, we're practically twins :)


  19. My family would play with me on game night.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  20. My cousins would play on game night!


  21. my husband but he doesn't like to play board games... so i'd end up asking my sister-in-law!

  22. My boyfriend.

  23. My whole Family

    eileen at booksrusonline dot com

  24. My husband and 3 kids would play with me!

    luckycharm8103 at gmail . com

  25. My 5 kids! It's always lively when we play games:)

  26. My niece would play a game with me if I asked her to.

  27. Probably my hubby. Other family members might get in on that too mom, my cousins.

  28. Not my dear sweet husband. Probably my girlfriend. We love to play games together (my husband and I) but often we don't do well on the same team!

  29. On game night there is no one I'd rather play with than my kids (6 and 4).

  30. Hubby and my boys!!

    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  31. I follow your blog on GFC and like you on Facebok! I would love to win this so I could play with my husband and kids! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Renee Walters

  32. My daughter loves to play games :) She'd be the one :D

  33. My kids would play with me!
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  34. I would play with my sister. She loves games!

  35. I play board games with my 2 girls
    James cox

  36. I would spent the money on Christmas its never to early to start
    James Cox

  37. my three kids like to play monopoly or life or scrabble with me.

  38. My sister and nephew would play with me.

  39. my hubby or family!

  40. My Hubby would play with me, he loves playing games with/against me
    Jamie Brigham
    cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

  41. my nephew!


  42. funny you should ask this. we have game night now and the grownups play upstairs (there are 4 couples) and the kids play both down and upstairs as they range in ages of 9 -2. It's a fun night for all, even with the getting up in the middle of games. :)

  43. my daughter
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  44. My family (fiancee and children)
    kowgirlsrule at gmail dot com

  45. My wonderful hubby & kiddos :-)

  46. My hubby and 2 boys would play with me on game night dguillen at kc dot rr dot com

  47. My 2 girls and my hubby. thank you!
    crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

  48. Either my boyfriend or my friend Cari!

  49. My husband.


  50. My 4 kiddos, of course!
    jeanlynd at att dot net

  51. We have family game night every week which includes me, my kids and there friends or boyfriends/girlfriend.

  52. would use the winnings for school supplies

    ptreskovich at hot mail dot com

  53. friends play several times weekly

    ptreskovich at hot mail dot com

  54. my husband (we usually play trivial pursuit or rummy)- jaimee wood

  55. My boyfriend, mom and grandma :)


  56. My friends!

    volunteercjt at gmail dot com

  57. We would play as a family here!

  58. My game night would most likely include my mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew, and possibly some of my nephew's friends as well. Thanks!

    Geoff K

  59. I'd play with my hubby and the kids

  60. My kids would :)
    ericka082 at gmail dot com

  61. My family! :)

    calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com

  62. Michelle Sanchez
    My husband would play with me since my baby is too young.

  63. My husband.

    wolverina401 at gmail dot com

  64. my four nieces
    mizztuts at bellsouth dot net

  65. my MOM! hancoci_s at msn dot com =)

  66. My husband and two sons would play with me on game night.

  67. I'd play with the grand kids.
    Thank you.
    barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

  68. my hubby and sons

  69. hubby and the kids
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  70. My husband and sons would play.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  71. I HOPE my fiance would play with me... LOL :) And our son!

    nhartmann54 at gmail dot com

  72. My Wife Alison would play game night with me.

    joe.romine at rocketmail dot com

  73. My daughter. She loves games.


  74. My husband, my daughter and myself love game night.

  75. My boyfriend and I like to play games with our grandkids. War (the card game) is one of our favorites.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  76. My sister and Mom and I are game addicts - and we're so competitive - there is no speaking until the games are finished! :)

  77. I Am A Member Of Pay-Pal. Every Little Bit Helps.Thanks for the Opportunity. GLTA

  78. my daughter would play with me on game night. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

  79. I would play with my best friend!

    Thank you for a nice contest!

  80. My husband and 3 kids would all play on game night w/ me! :)

  81. My daughter

    sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

  82. My hubby and the kids. Thanks!

  83. My kids and my husband and whoever else happens to drop by :-)

  84. my hubs and my friends from my mommy group!

    keralita13 at

  85. I would play with my fiance and his family! :)

    natashagt (At) live (dot) com

  86. My kids love game night!

    Email address is in blogger profile

  87. Uh... I tweeted but when I pasted the tweet URL, it didn't go in, and I hit submit too fast.

  88. My daughter is grown and moved out awhile ago so it's just me and my husband now. Holly Hennessy Swint

  89. I would use this money for my son's Birthday that is coming up to get him a birthday present wilcarvic

  90. My husband of course and our kids when they come home. Cheryl

  91. My husband and two sons would play with me on game night.

  92. I'd play games with a couple of friends!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    email in blogger profile.

  93. My hubby of course....we do have a game night once a month with a circle of friends and we take turns hosting it

  94. My husband and my step daughters!
    cinderwhims at gmail dot com

  95. There are a group of friends of ours that we do game night with once a month.

  96. my neice and newphew ty.

  97. Thanks for the wife and daughters have been known to be formidable Scrabble & Monopoly opponents !

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  98. I like scattergories and sorry.
    Thanks for the chance.

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