Fotobounce, finding your face in the sea of friends

I don't know about you, but I have tons of pictures. It's part of being a mom, part of being a family, part of have a social network of friends. While I love all my pictures, I often have difficultly easily finding the exact photo that I need or want efficiently. When there is a way to use face recognition or face detection software, my photo organizing would go much more quickly. That's where fotobounce comes into play.

Fotbounce is a peer/private network where you can selectively share your photos. Their face detection software lets you easily tag/recognize all your family and friends in the photos within your peer group. This software is people centric.

Think about how you categorize or store photos. Of course, there are lots of events, but we often want to find people not locations. By using this face recognition software, you can find your husband in the family reunion photographs.

I can see many uses for fotobounce. Later this year, my father-in-law is celebrating a milestone birthday. We could ask all the family to upload to the private group and select photos for a photo book, collage, etc. By searching for the one face, we could streamline the process. Instead of weeks of searching/planning, we could easily get the job done in a week. 

What I like about fotobounce is that you can work with select family and friends to build a collection of photos. There are no worries that someone will share the embarrassing photos on a public website or photo sharing website. You can select whom gets access to your pictures. For anyone who is applying for a new job or applying for college knows that embarrassing photos on your Facebook page can come back to haunt you. Now, you can share the fun without ramifications of unwanted publicity.

Here are some of the fotobounce features:
  • Create private photo sharing networks
  • Transfer full resolution photo images
  • Identify and tag family and friends
  • Built-in face recognition
  • Organize your photos by People in addition to Collections, Events and Places
  • Facebook, Flickr and AirSet integration
  • View photos from your mobile device
Fotobounce can be downloaded here.

Save yourself from the photo management quagmire. Simplify your photo management with fotobounce.

Disclosure: I was asked to review fotobounce. I may receive compensation for completing this review. All opinions are 100% my own and have not been influenced by any person or entity. For my complete disclosure policy, please visit

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