I'm hosting a House Party. How about you?

I'm sure that many of you have heard of House Party. But if you haven't, House Party is a great way to get introduced to some new products.

House Parties are simple. Invite some friends, neighbors or whoever you want over to your house. You and your guests will get to try the goodies from your party package. 

This month we will host a Philly Dinner Time Dilemma House. For example for the Philly party we will sample all the new ways you can use Philly in cooking. The new Philly Cooking Creme to create some easy dinners. No one want the same old dinner recipes again and again. With the new Philly Cooking Creme there are so many recipes that you can make quickly and they aren't boring.

Plus your guests get to leave with free goodies. Who doesn't love free stuff?

Here are some other House Parties that are accepting applications. 

Kraft Foods Ultimate Sandwich Makeover House Party™ 

Green Works® New To You House Party

SINGER® Sew Very Easy House Party 

So make your next party a House Party. You will be the hit house amongst your friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm following you now from TPRP...awesome blog :)

