Cell Phone Postcards, send your memories before you get home

Sometimes I use my iPhone camera when I don't want to bring my digital camera. The iPhone camera takes good pictures and I love being able to post the pictures to Facebook or email them to friends and family.

Unfortunately, my in-laws prefer actual photographs. They like having the picture in their hands or being able to put the photo on the fridge. But when I use the cell phone pictures, I find it a hassle to upload the pictures and get them printed.

Now with CellPhone Postcards I don't have to do anything. I simply text the picture to Cell Phone Postcards website and they take care of printing and mailing the picture. You can use the contact info from your mailbox/contact list. A few clicks and the glossy photo (with your message) will be on its way. Easy and quick.

Recently we used CellPhone Postcards for our vacation. It was a great way to have some pictures waiting for us when we got home.

CellPhone Postcards are $0.99 each. That's cheaper than you printing and mailing the photos yourself!.

Right now Cell Phone Postcards are offering you a chance to try it for free.There's no credit card required or any fees.

So give Cell Phone Postcards a shot and let me know what you think.

Disclosure: I received 10 free Cell Phone Postcards for this review. All opinions are 100% mine. For my complete disclosure policy, please see www.more4momsbuck.com/disclosure.

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