Juno Baby releases the Music Learning Adventure app for the iPhone and iPad

Yes, I'll admit it. I love my iPhone. One of the reasons why I constantly carry my iPhone everywhere is because I have loaded it with tons of games for my kids. I can't count the number of times that I have pulled out my phone for my kids to play a game while we're waiting at a doctor's appointment, swim meet or a long wait at a restaurant. While there are tons of game apps available, I'm always looking for apps that combine fun and learning.

Juno Baby has just released the Music Learning Adventure app for the iPhone and iPad.

Through music and harmony, the Music Learning Adventure app engages your child in interactive learning. There are videos, flash cards and music. The app includes over 9 videos from 3 different Juno Baby DVDs, multi-lingual education  in English, Spanish, and French, as well as the complete Orchestral Music Edition CD.

Here is a sampling of components of the Music Learning Adventure app:

  • 9 videos from 3 different Juno Baby series
  • Engaging flashcard video learning
  • Multi-lingual education teaches English, Spanish, and French
  • 3 sets of flashcards
  • The complete Orchestral Music Edition CD
  • 4 interactive instruments to play along with the tracks
  • Learn rhythm and music mixing
  • 5 touch interactive characters
  • Audio feedback
The Music Learning Adventure app has several device requirements, including:
  • iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad
  • Requires iPhone 3.0 or later
  • 256 MB
Music Learning Adventure is made by The Juno Company. This Emmy awarding winning company creates products that create a lifelong love of music. It's products are aimed toward children ages 12 months to five years old.

Right now, the Music Learning Adventure app is free on iTunes. To download this app for your device, please click on http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/music-learning-adventure/id380205812?mt=8&uo=4.  The download works best when either downloaded directly to your computer or with a wi-fi connection. The file is too big for a 3G download.

So if you are looking for a learning app for your little one, check out Juno Baby's Music Learning Adventure. 

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