Are you having difficulty getting your kids to continue to read over the summer? In our house, it can be a struggle to keep my boys interested in learning when there are summer camps, sports camps and the pool which sway their interest in scholastic endeavors.
But I found a solution in our house - summer reading programs. What kid, or adult even, doesn't like getting a prize. I know that I do. Granted, we all should read just for fun, but little kids love getting a "'goodie" and the "goodie" keeps their interest high.
Some places to look for summer reading programs are Scholastic offers great books and educational services. Right now Scholastic offers a Summer Challenge. Just log in to your account with the amount of reading every day and your child is on his/her way to earning prizes. Also check out their site with tons of other fun activities.
Even with the struggling economy, local libraries have summer reading programs for kids and adults. Our local library system offers a program based on a summer safari. With each path completed, the child earns a prize.
If you don't want to join a program, start your own program at home. Create a game board and offer a reward when your child reaches the finish line. Adapt a program that works well in your house.
Teaching a child the joy of a good book will last a lifetime.
Looking for some new books for the summer - check out Freebies4Mom's Scholastic Giveaway to help stock your home library.
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